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what is
persoNA space?

It's a space for personas!

It's a workshop series with flowersandfilm!!​


For as long as I can remember, I've 1) lived in drafts and

2) been in love with the sight of people coming together for a specific purpose. Perhaps here, both can chat.



This April with WHAT I REMEMBER, we'll be exploring the topic of memories (whatever that may mean to you). 


Writing is my vehicle for emotional navigation. I revisit moments, thinking through screenplays, letters, musicals. And poetry is where verbs can be nouns and syntax can stretch. In the last 4 years, I've written 1 poem a day consecutively for the 30 days of April. Each poem is then turned into a video within that same day. And as much as I marvel at each decided "final" draft, I am deeply curious about how it came to be. 


The connection/transition between one draft to another is where I hope we can meet. Whether you write one poem or one chapbook a year, or are looking to explore that line you've had in your notes app for forever, let's see what scrabble we'll string.




we have been in talks about some virtual creative workshops...

want to join the conversation?



Persona Space is perfectly named because it’s the best environment I’ve immersed myself in for cultivating my creative identity. And Millie is an incredibly thoughtful star facilitator with plenty of theater-based tools and techniques up her sleeve! Wielding conversation and self-reflection, Millie provided the supportive infrastructure I needed to finish a mid-length poem I can now say I am proud of. I love Persona Space! 


Persona Space was a truly unique experience that holds a soft place in my heart. This was a beautiful opportunity to meet new friends with impactful energies and creative interests. The intimate, cozy, and welcoming environment brought a tremendous sense of presence that complimented the dialogue shared by kind, passionate, and authentic artists & writers. This experience offered the most wonderful warmth, inclusivity, and lovely reflection. I would recommend Persona Space to those looking to feel seen, heard, and understood as a creative being! Millie is a gifted poet with moving wisdom whom I feel so fortunate to have met and learned from.

Ngân Hà T.

Persona Space gave me the personal and poetic attunement that I have searched for much elsewhere in order to develop my own emotional expression. Coming from a theatrical background, Millie truly flourishes in her role as mediator with her bounteous knowledge on the practical yet no less poetic exercises in words. Not knowing what to expect when I first came to Millie’s beautiful studio, I count myself lucky to have made this decision for I have come a long way in my poetry journey since then. If you would like to experience this specific luck, I would be happy for you to get acquainted with Millie and the fecund playground of words that is Persona Space!

Elizabeth U.

Persona Space is wonderfully designed for creative expression and community. For anyone who loves to write, share, and engage with other creatives, I cannot recommend the experience enough!


helen f.

Millie is such a light! She facilitated such a productive and meaningful conversation to get our gears turning, and I loved the writing prompts based on our conversations! Plus she shared helpful tools to explore/improve our writing and gave helpful feedback on preexisting work. I left my first session feeling inspired to write more, and I already notice myself utilizing the tools she shared as I continue to write :) 

Bilguun D.

Millie created a fun and interactive environment where everyone who attended felt safe to share their work and receive feedback. Her passion and enthusiasm for poetry are contagious, and I highly recommend her workshop to anyone looking to learn or improve their poetry skills. As someone who is intimidated by writing poetry, I loved how she explained the steps and guides you with questions that opens your deeper thoughts and feelings. A 10/10!!!


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