strawberry fragments | poems by Minh Hà (Millie) Lê
For my parents. I am fascinated by fragments of time, partly because they are the form my memories take. Being a Vietnamese third culture...
ten things i told myself on april tenth
admitting things, especially to yourself, is scary, but it isn’t something you cannot do you are a magical realist, and that is the best...
your silver sun
tiptoeing tips twist invitations and deep blue yellow smiling round the tenderest things the sways and swing of first night outs show me...
fragments of a 21st century long distance relationship
You arrived at a very strange time in my life. I was on the verge of throwing my whole world away, and by my whole world, I meant all...
"listening to mother for a change": a the mother dramaturgical analysis
The theatrical movement Realism is said to allow its audience to encounter moments where it is possible to forget that what is being...
reason(s) to stay alive
but if tomorrow i am no more, what will be missed of me a honeysuckle kiss hello, still won't you be more free caught by rim rounds slum...
"a word nerd's guide to magic": A Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town x The Mother exploration
I am a rather picky poet. But poetry at times can be quite a pickle, or at least if we allow it to be. From this you can tell that I am...
"muffles" : a like crazy sound analysis
Drake Doremus’ 2011 film, Like Crazy, taps into the bruisingly bittersweet finite reality of the now. Despite being unable to desert from...
oct 19, 1. trust your path 2. have a life 3. you never stop being a student, ever ..jenny connell davis
hat trick(s)
such bunny hearted fool yesteryears all the same it’s in your head, then in your bed won’t fall toy without stains tucked in your old...